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Stay in touch with us on social media so you can share your feedback, receive customer support and keep up to date with the latest Qudos news.
We’re here to help from 9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday (though we will check our social media pages from time to time outside of these hours) and will aim to respond to you as soon as is reasonably possible. If you have an account enquiry please call us on 1300 747 747 during business hours. If you would like to raise a complaint, please call 1300 747 747 or you can send an email to [email protected].
Please follow our community guidelines to ensure our social accounts remain a safe and respectful space for all participants. When interacting with Qudos Bank social media accounts, we encourage customers to be mindful of the security of their personal information and not to disclose personal information or account details for any reason. Please note you're also subject to the terms and conditions of Qudos Bank’s Privacy Policy, as well as the social media platform’s terms of service and privacy policy.
Public Forum
When posting on our public pages, we encourage you to be mindful that our social media pages are in the public domain. Information you post there is public and may be open to opinions or responses from other participants.
We welcome all comments, suggestions and questions from our customers, however, please note that customer who do post on our social media accounts do not reflect the opinions of Qudos Bank, nor does Qudos Bank confirm their validity or accuracy.
To the extent that Qudos Bank provides advice in social media posts, it is general information only and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances.
Community Guidelines
Our social media accounts are managed by a team of Qudos Bank employees. We reserve the right to remove any posts that don’t adhere to our guidelines and to block anyone who violates them repeatedly. Specifically, we do not tolerate posts (and may remove posts) that are:
We adhere to each social media platform’s privacy policies, available on their respective websites. To keep your personal information secure, don't include any private or sensitive information (such as your bank account details, your bank account details, Member number, date of birth, contact details, home address, driver's license, or tax file number) in any post or comment.
We will never ask you to provide account information over social media. We will only ever ask for limited personal information from you to assist us with your enquiry (such as full name, state, contact number or email address) in a private message on the social media platform on which you have communicated with us. If you receive an unsolicited request for personal or sensitive information, please do not respond. Help us maintain your security by forwarding any such requests to [email protected] where it will be reviewed by our Fraud team. Please note, as the Fraud team analyse your correspondence, we are unable to respond directly to individual emails as this may compromise the integrity of the investigation.
Find out more about how you can protect yourself online.
Copyright and intellectual property policies
By submitting any content to our social media pages, you warrant and represent that you're the copyright owner of the content or that the copyright owner of the content has granted you permission to use such content consistent with the manner and purpose of your use.
Please note that by posting comments, posts, tagged photos, videos, ideas, or any other content on our social media pages, you're granting Qudos Bank non-exclusive rights to use this content in perpetuity and in any way we see fit. This could include, but is not limited to, marketing and advertising materials.