Home Loan Enquiry

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Qudos at Home

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered

Are there any extra costs involved in requesting a mobile lender?

There is no cost involved with our Qudos at Home service.

How can I reschedule my appointment?

To reschedule your appointment, please reach out to the Lending Specialist directly.

Can the lender meet me at my office or a cafe?

Yes, our Qudos at Home Lender can meet you at any convenient location. However, given the nature of the conversation a private place is preferred.

What documents should I have ready with me?

It may be helpful for you to bring your driver license, passport or Medicare card, and financial account details. Our mobile lender will advise exactly what you need prior to the appointment.

Are you available on weekends?

Our mobile lender is available Monday to Friday 8am -7pm (Sydney time). Saturday will be available by appointment only.

Do I have to be an existing Qudos Bank customer?

No, our Qudos at Home service is available to anyone looking at applying for a new Qudos Bank loan, refinancing or switching from another bank.