A Special General Meeting was held to amend the Constitution of Qudos Bank (Qudos) to reduce the maximum number of Directors from 12 to 7, with effect from the end of the 2022 Annual General Meeting. It was a hybrid meeting where Members could participate online or by attendance in person at the Pullman in Mascot.

Amendment to the Constitution

  Number %
Votes cast 'FOR' the motion 838 80.42
Votes cast 'AGAINST' the motion 204 19.58
TOTAL VOTES CAST 1,042 100.00
Votes 'Abstained' 51  

The resolution was carried as a special resolution.

Annual Election of Directors

Nominations for our Annual Director Elections are now open.

Nominations for the position of Director from eligible Members are hereby called.

A nomination pack can be downloaded below, by emailing the Returning Officer on [email protected], by calling us on 1300 747 747 or by visiting one of our branches.

Completed nomination forms must be received by the Returning Officer by noon on 29th August, 2022 EST (refer to Nomination Pack for details).


