Wellbeing with Wendy

November 2022

5 wellbeing tips to get you through the holidays

Christmas and New Year’s can be a great time to celebrate with friends and family. However, the festive season may not be a time for celebration for everyone and it’s important to remind ourselves that there are people out there going through some difficult times.

It can also be a stressful period where demands are high, at work, at home and socially.

Below are 5 wellbeing tips for you to consider, so that you can get through the holidays without feeling too exhausted by your obligations this season.

1. Don’t be afraid to say no

If you’re someone that likes to keep everyone happy and you generally put other people’s needs before your own, you may not want to disappoint people. Perhaps you’re an introvert that gets overwhelmed with back-to-back events or have a strained relationship with your family members.

Prioritise your wellbeing and put yourself first before making any rash decisions around the festive season. By saying no, you empower yourself to make healthy choices that can help you thrive throughout the holidays.

2. Embrace simplicity in your decision-making

If you’re hosting your family and friends this year, don’t be too complex with your decision-making. It helps to simplify your choices and get help from everyone if you can. Instead of cooking all the meals, perhaps you can divide them amongst those attending - they can pitch in and bring meals to add to the festivities.

When it comes to gift-giving, maybe you could decide on a theme for everyone’s gifts, so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the choices available while shopping. For example, instead of gifting people material things, you can get them vouchers for experience-related gifts, such as a movie vouchers or dining. When doing your shopping make sure you set yourself a budget which will help reduce the urge to overspend.

3. Make the most of your break

Schedule in some rest time during the Christmas/New Year’s break. If you’re on annual leave and planning to travel to visit family and friends interstate or overseas, leave a few days as buffer so you have some scheduled downtime.

If you’re still working through the period, be kind to yourself and avoid taking work home throughout the periods you have off. Use the public holidays you have available to reset and prepare for the new year.

4. Check in with your feelings

Feeling tired, stressed, or overwhelmed during the holiday season? It’s important that you’re tapping into your emotions during the festive season. You may need a listening ear from your partner, a trusted friend, or a professional. Participate in activities that can help you be in tune with your emotions, such as journaling.

5. Set boundaries early

By setting boundaries early, it could help you avoid feeling that sense of dread if you’ve accepted an event that you’re not too thrilled about or cooking that dish you know will take up a lot of mental labour. There’s nothing wrong with store bought items or pre-prepared catering. In the end, you should prioritise your self-care during the holiday season.

By openly communicating and being honest with yourself, you’ll feel free and have more energy spent for the moments where you are able to be present, with your family and friends.

Key takeaways this Christmas/New Year’s

  • It’s okay to set boundaries and put yourself first during the festive season. Decline events that you feel won’t benefit your wellbeing.
  • Simplify your decision-making wherever you can. For example, when planning meals, get your loved ones involved, rather than taking on the full responsibility.
  • Make the most of your downtime – make sure you make time for yourself and take care.
  • Be in tune with your emotions - be sure to include activities that bring you enjoyment and set time aside from your busy schedule for you time.
  • Enjoy the moments you have with your family and friends and create memories you’ll remember for a lifetime.

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