New to bank terms and conditions

Thank you for choosing Qudos Bank

Thank you for choosing Qudos Bank.

Please ensure you have read and understood the below documents and other important information (documents can be printed or saved once you have opened them). If you have any questions call us on 1300 747 747.

Notice of AGMs and Director Elections

Notices are important because they inform you about matters in relation to which you may wish to attend AGMs, for example, voting on Director Elections and any special resolutions.

We encourage all Members to attend AGMs as this enables you to participate in the governance of Qudos Bank and its future direction. It’s your opportunity as our owners to ask questions about, and comment on, the management of Qudos Bank, its financial standing and performance. You can also ask the auditor of Qudos Bank questions about the conduct of the audit of Qudos Bank and the preparation and content of the auditor’s report.

You can have your say by voting on any proposal to amend the constitution of Qudos Bank or on any other matter in relation to the management of Qudos Bank. If you can’t attend in person, you can appoint a proxy to attend and vote for you at the meeting.

We will always provide notice of AGMs and Director Elections through a variety of different electronic means, for example, on our website and in Online Banking. And we’ll also publish a notice of meeting in The Australian newspaper and in our branches around Australia. If you have an email address registered with us, we will also email you a notification alert about the AGM and voting process, and where you can go to obtain further information. If you would like to receive an individual notice in the mail, please send us a Secure Mail or call us on 1300 747 747.

If you don’t elect to receive individual notice, we’re not required to send a paper notice to you. However, you can change your mind at any time, just let us know and we’ll change your preferences in our systems.

Constitution and Annual Reports

You can also obtain our Constitution and Annual Reports from our website. Our annual reports contain information about our financial position and performance, how efficiently we are being managed and any financial risks we may face. We will not send you our financial reports unless you ask us to.

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