We’ve become aware that our domestic phone number 02 9582 3200 is being used by fraudsters to impersonate Qudos Bank.

Phone number spoofing allows the person calling you to display a different number from the number they are calling from.

These fraudsters are calling customers under the guise of discussing unauthorised transactions and requesting personal information or access to your devices.

Please remember Qudos Bank will never call and request your personal information or remote access to your devices.

If you are concerned about the legitimacy of a call, please hang up, and call us directly on either 1300 747 747 0r 02 9582 3200.

How you can protect yourself:

  • Hang up, then check if their story is real by calling us directly
  • Never give out any personal or financial information
  • If bank fraud has been committed, report it to us immediately 

To learn more on how to protect yourself from fraud, please visit our Fraud and Security hub. 


Published Tuesday, 14 February 2023